Wednesday started with more training for the one arm chinning. I was able to position the bar on the same axis as the pulley for both arms this time, so I got an even workout doing consecutive right and consecutive left arm "pulley-assisted" chin-ups. (See my earlier post if you need a better description of what this is.) I found out that my left arm/back is stronger which was a surprise considering I'm right handed. I also found that I need significant help (50-60 lb) to just do 3 reps with either arm, which means I have my work cut out for me!
I did three sets of five +30 pound two handed pull-ups after the pulley-assisted single arm ones. Tried to do some one arm come-downs after that but I was pretty much destroyed!
After all that good stuff I went out in the melting snow and ran 3 miles in mush. Went on the tow path and it literally was harder than sand running--a hard crust over wet melting snow. Got my feet soaked and ditched the tow path for the Billy Goat trail thinking that may be better. Think again! I put my whole foot in the water of the little creek that runs through the trail when I slipped off one of the rocks! Lucky for me it was in the 60s! Once I got back on pavement I was running strong again. Finished 3 miles in 24 minutes for average pace of 8 min/miles. Kinda slow but acceptable given the conditions.
Today I did a lot of leg work. Quad extensions, speed lunges, and leg-press. Went outside for my run and the gusts of wind were probably close to 40 mph, I kid you not! I was smart enough to stay on pavement today -- the slush is still lingering. Running into the wind was HARD, but running with the tail wind was fun! It was like being pushed forward and hardly having to work at all. Finished 4 miles in 26:25 for an avg. pace of 6:36 per mile. Not half bad considering the friggen' wind!!