Running out of unique words starting with a "T" =)
Today I went out at noon in the sleet and snow and ran seven miles along the tow-path. Had a nice solid run with about an inch or two of snow accumulation under foot. Actual snow is much better than what the rodes were like -- slushy / icy! It was a little like running in sand but not anywhere near as tough. I finished 7 miles in exactly 49:30 which is a hair above a 7:04 minute mile. Pretty good considering the conditions.
I saw a ton of cool birds during the run. First a blue jay, then a King Fisher -- first one ever (flycatcher variety bird with a big mohawk lookin thing) -- followed by a LARGE hawk (maybe eagle) that I still need to identify in my bird books, and lastly, a little warbler type dude that was small, compact and gold colored.
Work was let out early due to the weather so apparently the federal government is less tough that yours truly!