Friday was a great full body workout. Did bi's, tri's, shoulders, abs, chest, and back. I did not run, as I was still sore from the lifting (and running) I did for my legs the day before.
Sunday evening I did almost 2:40 on the elliptical (weather was too bad for running -- very heavy snow and slick roads). According to the machine I burned 4300 calories and my distance was "8000" which I think is supposed to be in meters. If that's what it's supposed to be, I did an equivalent of 20 miles. I hit a wall only an hour in but recovered after drinking one of those carb-loaded goo's, which also had caffeine, kicked it in for the long haul. Was happy to see "The Departed" get best picture on the Oscars!
Next weekend, Saturday 3rd and 4th, is my last long run before the marathon. I will run for about 3 hours and then take the two weeks before the marathon relatively easy.