Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Easy run

I ran 6 miles on the treadmill today. The one treadmill we have at my work is a nice one (goes to 12 mph and has a built in fan) but it's been busted for the last week or so and only goes 6, 7, or 8 mph. I took 8 mph (a 7:30 min/mile pace) which is just 3 seconds faster than my target marathon pace. I was breathing easy the whole time and kind of wishing I could go faster, but now with the way my left shin is kind of gimpy (I fear the onset of shinsplints..), I'm glad I took it easy. Tomorrow will be a rest day from running (will lift tho), and I'm not all to sure about Friday's training. I'll probably bike or urg (rowing machine) to keep my shins happy.

Training is good, but I need to do some reading on how to prevent the shinsplints from becoming a problem.

Going to Atlantic City this weekend to get some poker in, so the long run may be on the beach!

Until next time.