Monday, January 22, 2007

Yesterday's Run

My long run yesterday was pretty far. Here's a quick intro to my running goals since this is my first post: I'm already well into my training for this Marathon because I have an aggressive goal. I finished my last one in Phoenix (January 06, PF Chang's Rock 'N Roll Marathon) in 3:26:40. My target for this one is 3:18:00 which is blazing! I'm working towards fulfilling my long standing goal of qualifying for the Boston Marathon, which for my age group is 3:10:00. I want to make my assault on that time at the Marine Corps Marathon in October 07.

I had a real breakthrough in my running about a month ago, when I got on a treadmill and told myself I would beat 40 minutes for a 10 K (6.2 miles). I've wanted to do that for 6 years, but the closest I ever got was still a minute and a half away. I put the grade at 1 (to offset the wind resistance advantage) and started out at a 9.4 mph pace. I had to repeat over and over that I would honor my word to do it!! My "inner voice" screamed for release, for compromise (run a shorter distance at a slightly faster pace and you'll be satisfied!), even demanded that my efforts were futile. I just kept saying, I'm going to honor my word and do this and it will be the best feeling in the world.

I finished in 39:38. It was!

Finally -- to the run!! Yesterday was the first REAL snow of the winter for us DC peeps. The snow, the fine crystally kind, was really coming down with a bit of a nip in the wind to boot. I put on three layers (top), running pants, gloves, a hat, and decided after last weekend's long run (ran out of gas hard at 12.5 miles) that I also needed to have water with me. I grabbed a camel back with a water bladder so I could rehydrate from during the run. I have one of those Garman GPS tracker duhickies that tells you your pace, your distance, time, etc. Brought that too, as my target was to run for 2 hours 15 minutes or 16 miles. A diversion from my usual practice, I brought a music player too -- thought it would keep my spirits up, which it did.

I ran down from my place through Old Town, VA to the Mt Vernon Trail. The wind was blowing the snow right into my eyes so I had to squint. Luckily the snow was still frozen so it wasn't too slick. It was compacting under my feet pretty good and made for decent grip. My original plan was to take the trail south toward Mt Vernon. But when I got to the outskirts of Old Town I discovered that the trail south was blocked off / closed. Must either be the Wilson Bridge construction or the snow.. So, I turned around and ran North instead!

I took the trail out past Washington National and doubled back just before getting to 14th St Bridge. The whole way out I kept on following this one guy's (or girl's) tracks and wondered if I'd ever catch 'em. They seemed fresh. Never did though.. Once I passed the airport going south, I headed down and under GW Parkway and came out onto Rout 1, which I took south past Patomac Yard / Del Rey. Around Del Rey I was straining pretty hard. All the gear I had on, plus the fact that the water in my Camel Back's hose had frozen a few miles back were starting to add up. I hooked west on Monroe and then back SW on Commonwealth. Got to King and headed west to join up with Janeys back to home. Last mile was pain!

I got inside and showered with such acute lactic acid build up it was difficult to keep my legs still. The pain was short lived though.

I took today as a recovery day and plan to do some speed work tomorrow. Until then, Cheers!