Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Wednesday Cross-training

Today I did a number of upper body exercises that kicked my butt. I haven't done bicep curls in a LONG time and realized that they kinda hurt today! My game plan was to do higher reps and more endurance oriented training which I think I accomplished pretty well. When it came time to run, I was going to do an easy 3.5 on the treadmill, but now its max speed is only 6 mph which is a measly 10 minute mile! I guess in its broken state it gets progressively worse!

So, I did a half hour on a stationary bike. I burned about 440 calories on setting 12 out of 20 and went something like 8.8 miles. It was a surprisingly good workout and it again did me well to spare my shin which is still gimpy. I found out that I sweat like a maniac on the bike! I'm already quite a sweater when I run, but that biking left me really shwetty! I had to rinse my shirt and shorts in the shower. Not ready to do the big laundry thing yet, you see. They are made of the water wicking material so they aughta dry well even hanging in my locker (fingers crossed.. Please, no mildew tomorrow).

Tomorrow is a wild card. You'll find out soon after I do what I did ;)
