Friday, February 9, 2007

Thursday Workout

I was originally going to run 6 miles with a guy from work, but I think he called in sick. left to my own devices. It was in the low twenties, temperature-wise and the windchill probably got it close to zero.. I was about to go out on my own, but I found out when I got to the gym that I forgot to bring one article of clothing in particular that was essential for a long outdoor run. I'll just use the word "support" as a hint.. Another hint: I'm a "boxers", not a "briefs" man.

So I recalibrated to an indoor workout. Did 15 sets each of alternating push ups (20 reps per set) and pull ups (4 reps per set). This is a muscle endurance workout which basically keeps you doing a set of either push ups or pull ups on the minute, every minute, for half an hour. I was throwing in sit ups and other ab workouts in the free time between each "on the minute" set. Also did some more shin rehab work.

I then got on the stair climber for 25 minutes (treadmill still only goes 6 mph) and burned 300 calories. It was a decent workout, but I don't like that stair climber.. Unlike the "normal" ones where each leg is on an independent pedal that goes down when your weight is on it and only goes up when your weight is off it, this one had a cross-connect between the pedals so that standing on one made the other go up. In a way, this is less of a workout because your own weight is "assisting" getting your other leg up for the next down-stroke.

Today (Friday) is COLD outside. I did bring the missing article of clothing to work with me this time, so I will likely go on an outdoor run / "freeze"..